Economic Analysis of legislating for Irish-medium Education
An analysis carried out by Jim Power Economic Consultancy on the potential cost : benefit of legislating for the provision of a steadily increasing percentage of Irish-medium education places at both primary and post-primary levels concluded that
- There is no additional cost in teaching through Irish
- There are a range of capital costs which may arise from the provision of new schools from zero (utilisation of existing buildings) to c. €10bn over a 20 year period, (all new schools to be built).
- There is an enhanced economic benefit deriving from the enhanced earnings potential of bilingual people.
- The analysis concludes that the additional taxes associated with this economic benefit mean that, even in the worst case capital expenditure that, providing Irish-medium education more than pays for itself.
- There are other societal benefits which are uncosted.
Legislating for Irish-medium education brings significant economic benefit